Location: Exeter and Kensington, country roads
Weather: sunny, 40 degrees
This morning I ran my second long run - 7 miles. I did the same route as I did for last week's 6 mile run, and just added a mile in the middle. The beauty of where I live is that I can run at least 20 miles without encountering a traffic light, or traffic for that matter. It's good head time. It's also a good time to check in with my body. How do my ankles feel? My back? What issues might arise during next week's 8 mile run? Today I also wondered if I was going to have enough time to pick Lila up at preschool - luckily, I just made it....the fear of being "that" mom definitely puts a spring in your step:) The run felt good. It was a lot sunnier and drier than last week's run, and the horses were out again to greet me.