Location: Exeter, Kensington, Hampton Falls
Weather: 30 degrees, party cloudy
Today I realized that I forgot to write about Monday's long run. That run was pretty uneventful. I simply added another street to my usual route to lengthen the loop. My body felt good most of the run, but my back did begin to hurt around mile 8. I've had a weak lower back ever since I belayed a rock climber out in Southern Utah many moons ago. She weighed about 5o pounds more than I did, and she froze mid way up a hundred foot black rock in St. George. I had to just hold her weight for about 40 minutes until she felt brave enough to keep climbing. My back was toast for about 2 weeks straight after that event, and it has never fully recovered. I do remember having such a great time that day. Back then, my daily runs were on redsand trails, and I got my strength training from bouldering daily. Yesterday, I got that similar reservation-free physical rush to just grab your gear and go. We were all home due to a snow day, and the snow was fast and fierce. By 3:30pm, we were about a foot in when Jeff decided to make some coffee and quickly realized he was using the last of the coffee grounds. What? Out of coffee, honey? I'm on it! What else do we need? Oh, you want a snack? Ok, I'll pick you up something, no problem! When one is trapped indoors ALL DAY with her kids and husband on a Wednesday, one just goes with it, and by goes with it I mean GO GO GO! So in about 3 minutes I took out the xcountry skis, boots and back pack, and skied into town to the market. Fresh, fluffy powder made it so exhilarating and fun that I didn't mind the frozen snow kingdom that quickly developed in my nostrils. Here are some pics and btw, today I ran 4 fast miles on the treadmill.