Location: Exeter/Kensington/ Hampton Falls
Weather: 28 degrees
This was me before my run...
and this was me after my run...
It snowed a couple/few inches last night, so there were spots along my run earlier today where my legs felt like they were running on sand. Made me think about Helga, who is training for a trail marathon out in California. But most of my run was on dry pavement, with just a few courteous drivers in cars and plow trucks. I added to my distance today by taking a right where I normally take a left. I'm always so la-dee-da when I run that I never really looked right, until today. And what did I see? You guessed it, a seemingly never ending hill. The good news is that the Sugarloaf Marathon has 2 miles of hills that come after mile 6, so I guess I can call this a happy accident. This was my 6th long run. My first long run was 6 miles, and I wondered if I could do it again when I was done. Could I run 12 miles? Definitely not, was what I thought. Today, on the last mile as I literally propelled my legs forward with my arms, I wondered, could I do this 12 mile run again right now? Hell the f*ck no! But who knows how I'll feel next time; next time isn't as important as the accomplishment of today, the gorgeous landscape along Nason Road that I newly discovered (and that kicked my ass) and the gratitude I feel toward my father in-law, who picked Lila up from school today for me so I could run with a little more freedom.